Welcome to 26 going on 26.2! As you may have already deduced, this blog is about running. Running, specifically, to train for the 119th Boston Marathon while raising money for a fantastic organization - Team MR8.
First off, a quick disclaimer: I was an economics major in college. I don’t write with perfect grammar. In fact, I can barely write one mistake-free sentence, let alone a full post or even a full paragraph. Sorry. You'll just have to ignore the grammar and focus instead on my wit, charm, and good looks.
Ok. With that out of the way, hi. My name is Ed. I’m 28, a New Hampshire native, and I’m currently training for my third marathon: The 119th Boston Marathon on April 20th, 2015. This blog will likely have mostly to do with 2 things: running, and raising money for the above mentioned organization. However, there will likely be a lot of side topics along the way. My other minor obsessions…music, baseball, basketball, fantasy football, (insert sport here), and possibly some Justin Timberlake. Actually, besides running and fundraising, the only other topic I can guarantee I’ll talk about at this point is JT - roughly half my posts are solely about Him.
Any other questions? Email me, facebook me, send smoke signals, whatever. Get in touch. Thanks for taking the time, reading, and most importantly for donating!
Actually, my dear nephew, you write very well ~ from the heart and soul! I will be cheering you on as you participate in this notable and notorious endeavor!